Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tips For EPing - AWBeth

I wrote this for a friend when I was EPing with my first DD.

-Number ONE ---- Store your pump parts in a plastic bag in the fridge in between pumping sessions. You DO NOT have to wash them after every pumping session. I would pump, put them in the fridge, and repeat all day. At the end of the day, I would wash them in hot soapy water or put them in the dishwasher.

-Make sure you have the right size flanges/horns!! This was huge! I needed to move up a size, and once I did, it felt SO much better.

-Try to make your pumping time as relaxing as possible. I usually grab a snack and fill up my water bottle and set up the pump by the computer. I read my email, favorite blogs, whatever.

-In the beginning when I was pumping more often, I would set DD up in the Bumbo or bouncy seat next to me, so I could feed her while I was pumping. When she got older, I used the Jumperoo to keep her entertained.

-I stopped pumping overnight when she started sleeping through the night (about 8 weeks). This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but it worked for me.

-Along those lines, in the beginning, I just pumped whenever she ate. So if she was eating every two hours, I was pumping every two hours. I started spacing them out, and around two months, I went to 4 times a day. (*This doesn’t work for everyone, but I did have an abundant supply)

-Pump in the car! This has saved me - kills two birds with one stone. Set it up before you leave and turn it on 20 minutes from your location (or however long you're pumping for). Just put a nursing cover over you while you pump, and no one will know.

-I always massage my breasts while I pump and have never had serious problems with clogged ducts. I also feel like it helps get all the milk out.

-Use the 9oz Gerber bottles for collecting milk. (they are $.99 each, I found them at Target.) They attach to the Medela PISA, and even if you don’t need the bigger size, they rest on your thighs while sitting, so your hands are free to use the computer.

-Speaking of hands free, there are several “hands free” bras you can buy. I recommend using this when driving. Some women have also cut holes in an old sports bra to make a hands free bra.

-Medela customer service is awesome! They sent me new tubing for free after I explained the condensation had caused mold to grow. (as a side note, allow the pump to run for several minutes after you’ve finished pumping to allow the condensation to get out)

-A BF baby’s intake will not continuously go up and up like a formula fed baby. When Edie was about 6 weeks, she started taking 6 ounces at each feeding. We’ve never increased that, although she only takes 3 bottles a day now. (so at one point, she was taking 6, 6oz bottles, and now she takes 3, 6oz bottles)

-I follow the rule of 8s for breastmilk storage: 8 hours at room temperature, 8 days in the fridge, and 8 months in the freezer. (and I’m generous with those numbers) **And I since read that it can be up to a year in a deep freezer.

-There are LOTS of things you can do to try to increase supply, but I just make sure I drink plenty of water and have added more oatmeal into my diet. If supply becomes an issue, there are other things you can use, including supplements and prescription medications.

~originally posted on breastfeeding boards, used with permission from AWBeth

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