Time sure does fly, Thumper just turned 6 months old! I did some calculating and assuming every month had 30 days, and I spent 120 minutes a day pumping I've already pumped for the equivalent of 15 days. I'm still planning on continuing until he is a year old and that will mean an entire month of my life will have been spent hooked up to that pump! Wow. Honestly I still haven't decided whether I will pump till he is a year or pump until I have enough of a freezer stash to last him to a year but ideally the former. I now pump 4 times a day for 30 minutes at a time, whenever I wake up 7am-ish, 11am, 4pm and 11pm. Once I dropped my 7pm pump the 3am pump followed really soon after. My supply dipped for one day when I got my period again (didn't miss that at all) but the next day was back up to normal so I guess I can now thumb my nose at the stories I kept hearing about milk drying up at 6 months. Granted, my supply isn't what it once was but I am still often freezing 4-8 oz a day and am back to a full freezer of milk that I need to give away or donate again.
We've also started on solids and while he wasn't a huge fan of baby cereal, Thumper has been taking his veggies like a champ! He's tried carrots, peas, sweet potato and green beans so far and likes all of them. However he is still drinking as much milk as he was before so I'm not relaxing about supply yet.
One of my main frustrations now is having to warm up milk that was in the fridge (Thumper won't take it cold) since the gap between pumpings is so wide. The other is having to wait till 11pm to pump when I'm tired and Thumper goes to sleep at around 8. Considering how things could be much worse, I really don't have anything to complain about.
In non-pumping news, I never knew a baby could keep me so busy day in and day out. I feel like I never get anything done, but the time I get to spend with Thumper is so worth it!
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